The best way to kill termites with boric acid is to use bait stations. Coat or spray wood (or another cellulose material) evenly with boric acid. Plant the boric acid bait in the garden near your house or in an open infestation. Check on the bait station regularly and replenish it with boric acid as needed. Click to see full answer. Keeping this in view, how do I get rid of termites in my kitchen cabinets?Spot-treat the colony by injecting it with insecticide, or fumigate the area if the infestation is large or the infested cabinet contains multiple colonies. Once you’ve rid the piece of the infestation, repair or replace the wood in your cabinet with pressure-treated wood.Similarly, can I use vinegar to get rid of termites? Vinegar is the wonder material for your home. Not only can you use it to clean everything from your kitchen counter to shower, but you can also use it to kill termites. Put it in a spray bottle and spray the mixture around the area where you suspect the termites. The acidic substance will kill the termites on contact. Thereof, how do you treat drywood termites in kitchen cabinets? Control methods include whole structure fumigation, spot treatment with insecticides, or spot heat, shock, microwave, and liquid nitrogen treatment. Heat treatments have been used as whole structure treatments. Drywood termites remain hidden within the wood or other material on which they feed, so they seldom seen.Does bleach kill termites?If you do choose to use bleach to spot kill termites, simply mix a half and half mixture of bleach to water in a spray bottle and spray all visible termites. Bleach will kill termites – but it is not really worth the mess and smell, but if all else fails, it will work.