Green mantids hide in green foliage, waiting for prey to wander into range. Brown mantids do the same thing, only on brown foliage and stems. The camouflage not only protects mantids from predators, but allows them to remain almost invisible to their prey.Click to see full answer. Also to know is, what does it mean if a praying mantis is brown?Carnivorous and camouflaged, the praying mantis gets its name for the way their front legs are bent in a “praying” motion. Most mantis species are colored green or brown so they can blend in with leaves and foliage which enables them to patiently stalk insects like flies and grasshoppers.One may also ask, are brown praying mantis female? The basis principle is simple: female praying mantises have 6 abdominal segments while males have 8. The final segment of the female is much larger than the others while the male has several small segments towards the end of the abdomen. Also Know, what is the difference between a green praying mantis and a brown praying mantis? Green mantids hide in green foliage, waiting for prey to wander into range. Brown mantids do the same thing, only on brown foliage and stems. The camouflage not only protects mantids from predators, but allows them to remain almost invisible to their prey.What does a brown praying mantis look like?These insects are close relatives to cockroaches and termites. The brown mantis lives mostly in tree trunks and branches and therefore has adopted the colour brown. It measures from about a centimetre to 4 inches long. The triangular head is equipped with two large eyes and three smaller ones that appear like dots.